Welcome to all interested in the renewal of Catholic classical education!
The Saint Patrick Curriculum provides a richly Catholic K - 8 curriculum, teacher training, and coaching on how to run a Catholic school.
The Content we offer is a chronological, Salvation History-based curriculum for grades K - 8 that integrates history, literature, and religion and immerses students in geography, stories, poetry, great speeches, masterpieces of music, art, and architecture, and more.
Our goal is to help teachers to pass on the Faith, so that our children have hope and trust in God and His unfolding Divine Plan.
We provide a PK - 8 curriculum plan for teaching the Skills of the Trivium of the Liberal Arts (English language arts) that follows the natural ladders of learning for each subject and is aimed toward student mastery and excellence.
Our goal is for students to read insightfully, speak eloquently, think logically, and write beautifully.
We offer time-honored approaches to Pedagogy rooted in the ancient Hebraic and classical Greek teaching traditions. Both understood that all education forms the student by what is taught (Content and Skills) and how it is taught (Pedagogy).
Our goal is to help teachers delight in the craft of teaching and guide them to become master teachers.
Our coaching on all aspects of the Classroom includes culture, scheduling, assessment, report cards, parent communication, and teacher evaluations, all of which form one whole, seamless cloth.
Our goal is to help the school family stay united and focused on the real purpose of Catholic education: the formation of children.
The etymology of the word curriculum is “a running, a course of action.” Our aim is to provide what is needed for teachers and schools to run the course of their educational efforts.
We find many are inspired to teach from a Catholic, classical approach to Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, but encounter the “Monday Morning Problem” of not having the materials or the training they desire.
We have been and will continue to offer this curriculum and teacher training for free. We are motivated by the reality that Catholic education, properly understood, is education for salvation. It is one of the main methods the Church has for passing on the Faith.
We look forward to sharing these treasures we have collected and the wisdom we have gathered from many who have trodden this path before us.
Please join our community for full access to our curriculum, resources, and our forum for conversation and collaboration.