Dedication & Thanks


The influence of Pope Benedict XVI may be found throughout this curriculum. He inspired us by his biblical, patristic, and medieval ressourcement of the Catholic intellectual tradition, by his luminous liturgical vision of the “grand reality,” and by his concern for the urgent task of restoring Catholic education, which has been a bulwark of the Church and a key way of handing on the Faith for two millennia. The Saint Patrick Curriculum is our response to his call.

We are pleased to thank:

Those who have come before us, especially: Moses, John the Baptist, St. Anne, Saint Augustine, Saint Patrick, Saint Benedict, Saint Bede, Alcuin, Hugh of St. Victor, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Don Dolindo, Pope Saint John Paul the Great, Pope Benedict XVI, and, especially, Mary, Multiplier of all Graces and (in approximately the order in which we encountered them):

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